New York Lawyers for the Public Interest
The mission of New York Lawyers of the Public Interest (NYLPI) is to advance equality and civil rights, with a focus on health justice, disability rights and environmental justice, through the power of community lawyering and partnerships with the private bar.
Through community lawyering, NYLPI puts its legal, policy and community organizing expertise at the service of New York City communities and individuals.
NYLPI’s partnership with the private bar strengthens its advocacy and connects community groups and non-profits with critical legal assistance.NYLPI was founded in 1976 to serve the legal needs of underserved, underrepresented New Yorkers and their communities.
What began as a small-scale staff working to link low income clients and organizations with attorneys willing to volunteer pro bono legal services has grown into an unparalleled resource for low income, community-driven legal representation.
We have four main project areas:
The Pro Bono Clearinghouse;
The Disability Justice Program;
The Health Justice Program; and
The Environmental Justice Program.