Pro Bono Net
Pro Bono Net is a national nonprofit organization based in New York City and San Francisco. We work in close partnership with nonprofit legal organizations across the United States and Canada, to increase access to justice for the millions of poor people who face legal problems every year without help from a lawyer.
We do this by (i) supporting the innovative and effective use of technology by the nonprofit legal sector, (ii) increasing participation by volunteers, and (iii) facilitating collaborations among nonprofit legal organizations and advocates working on similar issues or in the same region.
Founded in 1999 with a grant from the Open Society Institute, Pro Bono Net has developed a broad base of support from foundations, law firms, corporate sponsors and nonprofit partners alike, to build web platforms that offer powerful and sophisticated online tools to pro bono and legal aid advocates, and to provide critical legal information and assistance directly to the public.
Our model has been adopted in 30 states and regions, reaching approximately two-thirds of the poverty population and lawyers in the United States. The prototype of the site was launched in March 1999, with two practice areas in New York City. The first LawHelp site designed to serve the information needs of the public was launched in New York City in April 2001.
Our Programs:
LawHelp Interactive
The Immigration Advocates Network
Pro Bono Manager